How to protect my phone from hackers in 2023



Smartphones have become integral to our lives, serving as personal and professional tools. We rely on them for various tasks, including joining Zoom calls, browsing social media, managing finances, and communicating with friends and family. These devices have become our lifelines, constantly connecting to the world.

However, amid our daily use, it’s easy to overlook that our smartphones hold a significant amount of sensitive personal information. These devices can connect to a wealth of personal data, from banking and credit card details to email and social media accounts. As a result, if we’re careful, they can avoid becoming vulnerable to hacking.

It’s essential to be mindful of the information stored on our devices and take steps to protect it. Regularly updating passwords, avoiding public Wi-Fi networks, and being cautious when downloading apps or clicking on links can minimize the risk of a security breach. By staying vigilant, we can continue to rely on our smartphones as valuable tools in our daily lives.

Protecting your data is crucial to protect your smartphone from hackers. Thankfully, there are actions you can take to do this. Ensure your device’s operating system is up to date first and foremost. Security patches that repair vulnerabilities that hackers might exploit are frequently included in updates. Second, avoid downloading programs from shady websites, which could contain harmful code that compromises your data. Lastly, choose a strong and distinctive password for your device and think about enabling two-factor authentication for further protection.

What puts my phone at risk?

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You can prevent habits that put your data at risk and make efforts to secure your smartphone. 

  • Connecting to public Wi-Fi networks is one such behaviour. It is possible for the information that you transmit and receives to be intercepted by hackers since these networks are frequently unprotected. In case you need to utilize a public Wi-Fi network, encrypt your data using a virtual private network (VPN). 
  • Clicking links or downloading attachments from emails or texts sent by unknown senders is another bad habit to break. They can be phishing attacks intended to steal your personal information.

Choose your apps wisely, and keep an eye on them constantly.

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Users are advised to only download apps; you can obtain them either from the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, or the following sources other reputable sites, according to security expert and software developer Charles Edge. Some app marketplaces check for viruses and have security requirements that programs must adhere to. Even if an app is well-known, it is still advisable to research before downloading it from an official store to ensure the creator is reliable.

Restricting an app’s access to other data on the device, such as location, contacts, and images, is critical after it has been downloaded. Applications may repeatedly request access to other services, either temporarily or permanently. The user’s privacy could be violated if the app is ever compromised by granting such entry. Edge, therefore, cautions against allowing access carelessly or succumbing to “click fatigue.” Users should not only refuse an app’s request for access to a resource that appears to be off-limits but also files a support ticket with the relevant app store for their platform.

Also, Edge advises users to regularly check their apps and clean up their devices. This entails removing unused programs from the system and revoking authorization for no longer required apps.

Allow automatic updates

In the current digital era, protecting your phone from hackers is essential. Enabling automatic updates for your operating system and apps is one of the most accessible measures to maintain your device’s security.

Patching any security holes that hackers can exploit requires regular upgrades. You can always protect your device without having to manually install updates by turning on automatic updates.

It’s crucial to remember that if your mobile operating system is vulnerable, no matter how many additional security precautions you take will help. An old OS has security holes that hackers can use to access your device and compromise your data.

In conclusion, it is critical to be on the lookout for threats and take proactive steps to protect your phone. You may drastically lower your risk of becoming a victim of cyberattacks by turning on automatic updates and ensuring your mobile operating system is current.

Make your security settings more robust.

Protecting your phone and any apps that access sensitive personal data is crucial. Use a passcode, a secure password, or biometric security tools like Touch ID or Face ID wherever possible. To guarantee that solely authorized users can obtain access to the computer and its data.

Furthermore, adding two-factor authentication (2FA) to services that support it increases security. To make it even more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access your phone, you can supply the second factor to a different device.

It is imperative to turn off Bluetooth and AirDrop in public, especially if you need to utilize them immediately. Your device is exposed to some harmful assaults using Bluetooth, even at great distances. Furthermore, even if your phone is not compromised via Bluetooth, you could still be at risk from AirDrop crossfire.

Add additional security measures.

If you frequently use public Wi-Fi networks, a virtual public network (VPN) can add an additional layer of anonymity for your data. Your location and browser history is private, thanks to the best VPNs’ use of encryption. A VPN will render it unreadable if someone intercepts your data on an open Wi-Fi network.

Downloading a mobile security or antivirus app is another VPN option. These applications can prevent theft, identify malware, and provide data backup, device tracking, or VPN services.

Google Play Protect is an integrated malware scanner for Android users’ apps. However, third-party Android antivirus software is preferable. In the Settings app of your device, under security, you may manage security settings.

Only give your number out when it is necessary.

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It’s crucial to use caution when giving out your phone number. In fact, it’s advisable to only give out your phone number if it’s really required.

While a phone number may seem like innocuous information, it is frequently used as a form of identification and is also the traditional location for sending temporary two-factor authentication tokens. In other words, if someone gets your phone number, they might use it to compromise your personal information.

Hackers have been known to transmit malicious or phishing links over SMS to deceive people into disclosing personal information. Also, they may try to obtain your phone number by having it forwarded to another device. As a result, it’s critical to guard your phone number and be careful about who you share it with.

Avoid downloading files anyhow.

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When downloading files or apps to your phone, exercise caution. Avoid downloading arbitrary software or data. Always only download from reliable websites, such as reputable app shops.

Also, caution is imperative while downloading files or apps provided to your phone by SMS or email. It’s crucial to thoroughly investigate the source before downloading anything. Even if the sender of the communication looks to be someone you know, you should still proceed with care. It is advised to refrain from clicking any links or responding to the message entirely if the contact is unknown or if the message requests urgent action.

Chandler Givens, a privacy specialist at the antivirus company Avast, advises that it is advisable to err on the side of caution. Givens suggests staying away from texts that sound questionable. He recommends requests for immediate action or sensitive information on mobile devices are typically frauds, just like email. So, if in doubt, it’s advisable to refrain from responding or taking any other action that would jeopardize your privacy.


Because of the potential risks, it poses to the security of your device, jailbreaking or rooting your phone is not advised. Any security features built into your smartphone’s operating system or apps are compromised after jailbreaking.

Once a gadget has been jailbroken, Edge claims that “all the safety wheels are gone.” Apps can operate with few restrictions thanks to eliminating the fundamental protections that Apple assumes when constructing API endpoints. This means that it’s conceivable for apps to carry out tasks that aren’t typically possible, resulting in security flaws that hackers or other bad guys could exploit. Always take adequate security measures to protect your phone from attackers.

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