Best hacking tutorials for beginners in 2023

hacking tutorials


These days, “hacking” has become something of a buzzword. Hacking and other cybersecurity-related phrases are becoming more widely used due to popular culture, including movies and TV series, which is why people often inquire the best hacking tutorials on the search engine.

Everyone aspires to become a hacker at some time. The realm of cybercrime seems to. If you want to work in cybersecurity or hacking, you should be aware that it won’t be simple or enjoyable. Hacking is a challenging but rewarding professional path, and learning how to hack for beginners will need a lot of commitment and work.

You’ll need a lot of technical skills and a drive for ongoing learning and self-improvement to succeed in this industry. Another aspect that will impact your success is how fascinated you are about anything related to networks and computer systems. To further hone your abilities, we advise joining groups where you can engage in live discussion through a live chat app with subject-matter experts.

Can i become a professional hacker through hacking tutorials?

A thorough beginners’ tutorial on hacking is provided here to help you grasp all you need to know to become a proficient hacker.

But before you start learning how to hack, you need to be familiar with the fundamental terms used in hacking.

What is “hacking”?

What Is Network Hacking and Why Is It a Bad Thing?

Hacking is hacking into computer systems or networks using faults, flaws, or vulnerabilities while intending harm or evil ends.

Who are hackers?

More On Hacking - Tricksgum - Latest Tech News, Gadgets Reviews, and more.

A person with the skills to solve an issue is sometimes called a hacker. But most of the time, we presume that a hacker is skilled in the art and science of hacking when we hear the phrase.

Categories of hacking

Hacking Series Intro || Types of Hackers - YouTube

The three main types of hackers are as follows:

White Hat: White hat hackers play a heroic role. As part of their contracted job, they assist businesses, and other entities in discovering and fix computer system and network vulnerabilities. The term “white hat” refers to hackers who use their skills for a more significant benefit. The necessity for cybersecurity specialists that specialize in white hat approaches will continue to surge in demand. White hat hacking is an excellent career choice for anybody interested in hacking and cybersecurity.

Black Hat: The most well-known kind of hacking is black hat hacking. It would help if you realized that black hat hacking is against the law before we go further into the topic. You may be subject to a substantial fine and/or jail time for even minor offences. A career as a malicious hacker is something other than something you should strive for. Hackers wearing black hats have no regard for the law or morals. It would help if you stayed away from everything associated with these rotten individuals.

Those who hack into computers for malicious purposes risk compromising their data, systems, and privacy. The need for cybersecurity specialists focusing on white hat methods will only grow. You should consider being a white hat hacker if you are interested in cybersecurity and hacking.

Grey Hat:  Grey hat hacking is a hybrid of white and black hat techniques. The crucial point is that grey hat hackers reveal dangers in a system without authorization. They then share this information with those who control or own the system. It doesn’t sound all that horrible. There is a problem, however. Bad actors could use the circumstance and try to hack into a system if the vulnerability is revealed in an unsafe manner and to the public. Additionally, grey hat hacking is forbidden. This occurs when the system’s flaws are shown without the owner’s consent. To prevent grey hat as well, it is ideal.

How can one learn to hack?

Here, we’ll go through how to practice ethical hacking and seek a career in cybersecurity.

To become a skilled, ethical hacker, you must be adept in the following key areas.


As a novice hacker, having a computer science or programming background will be beneficial. You can still learn to code, however, even if you don’t have an experience in computer science.

The internet has made some programming materials for complete novices accessible.

You can use YouTube if you learn best by watching videos. Many channels have made it their mission to provide tutorials and other material for beginner programmers. Ideally, it would help to steer clear of hacking novice channels since most will only offer helpful guidance.

Coursera and Udemy will be of great use to you if you wish to register for an online course via a website like Edx.

The following are some languages you should learn:

  • HTML (not a programming language, but works as the backbone of the internet) (not a programming language, but acts as infrastructure of the internet)
  • Python (general-purpose programming language, simple to use) (general-purpose programming language, easy to use)
  • JavaScript (object-oriented language used mainly for web development) (object-oriented language used primarily for web development)
  • SQL (language used for data management, handling, etc.) (language used for data manipulation, handling, etc.)
  • Later on, it would help if you learned other languages like PHP, C, C++, and assembly language.

Are all of these languages necessary to become a hacker? No, and yes.

If you have previous expertise, learning a new programming language becomes simple. Learn Python first, and then go on to other languages.

Participating in various tournaments will also help you develop your coding abilities.

A hacker has to know how to code, and programming sharpens your technical abilities and develops your brain to solve problems effectively.

Security & Networking

The What and Why of Ethical Hacking - Ehacking

You must be familiar with computer networks to become a hacker.

Data Communication and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan is one of the most outstanding books to use as a starting point for networking education.

Reading William Stallings’ Cryptography and Network Security is an excellent way to learn about network security. You need to know your way around cryptography, cryptanalysis, and the basic building blocks of encryption.

You must remember to read this book thoroughly and avoid skimming through it. You must internalize these ideas if you wish to become a proficient professional.

Your objective is to develop into a competent cybersecurity expert; you’re not just aiming to pass an exam.

Getting experience working as a network administrator or sticking with someone who is can also help you improve your networking understanding. That will help you get a lot more real-world information.

Utilize several operating systems

Operating system | Definition, functions, and structure - IONOS

You should start using and learning about various operating systems as soon as possible if you have only ever used one operating system up to this point.

Most people use Windows, and it’s no accident that Windows users are the target of most cyberattacks. You must understand why that occurs as a professional.

You will get a better knowledge of what makes one operating system safer than another by utilizing a variety of them.

Most of the internet, which now uses cloud storage for much of the data, uses operating systems similar to UNIX.

The fact that UNIX’s user interface is not very user-friendly is one benefit (or drawback). To improve as a UNIX user, you will need to put in a lot of work. Transparency, simplicity, and extensibility are further benefits.

Important soft skills

Hacking is just concerned with technical features and specifics. And although it is somewhat true, it is insufficient.

You must possess a personality advantageous to your job to be a successful ethical hacker. An introduction to hacking is complete with a discussion of the soft skills necessary for success.

Hackers must be innovative and think creatively. Solving problems is a crucial competency for hackers and cybersecurity specialists.

Hackers must be able to operate under pressure and intense circumstances while still delivering top-notch outcomes.

A growth mentality and a desire to keep learning and improving are also necessary.

The area of cybersecurity is continually developing and expanding quickly. After a certain point, you cannot afford to get complacent, and you can only realize your full potential by committing to lifelong learning.

It would be best if you also practised working as a team. Although most people see hackers as professionals who operate alone, you will often need to work in groups or with others to tackle a complicated challenge.

Personal Achievements and Projects

Try contributing to the white hat community after becoming adept with the topics mentioned above. Join forums and blogs often, and offer your expertise to help other aspiring hackers.

The ideal approach is to develop open-source software and have it evaluated by other experts in the field of cybersecurity. You will learn through this activity how to create your talents.

Make an effort to produce something that others like you find helpful. You’ll get some acknowledgement, inspiring you to push even more.


Certification does not imply that you are a qualified expert who can provide value to a company. However, having a variety of credentials may at least help you get an interview.

Your skill set will be more important to landing a technical position than your GPA or certificates.

There are many different certifications available, which is something you should keep in mind. When you can work on real-world issues, there is no need to waste time being certified.

Investing time and money in earning a well-known certification, such as the Offensive Security Certified Professional, can be worthwhile. These certificates are often costly and hard to get.

The cost of becoming an Offensive Security Certified Professional is nearly $1,000. Not to add, the test lasts for 24 hours.

If you decide to pursue this certification, it will require a significant amount of work from you. The OSCP certification has the benefit of being widely accepted by security companies and organizations.

Work history

Once you begin working in the sector, your actual test will commence. You can only benefit from the knowledge you’ve gained through books and certification exams.

The only way to experience hacking in the real world is to learn and use industry best practices as you go along.

You will need to think quickly and continuously prove and advance yourself if you work in a setting that demands professionalism and has set deadlines. You’ll establish a solid reputation as a skilled hacker if you do it that way.

You may confidently state that you have advanced from hacking 101 to becoming an accomplished hacker after doing these steps (and more).

Numerous options will open up for you once you master this field. Professionals in the field of cybersecurity are in great demand right now and for the foreseeable future.

You may decide whether to work as an independent consultant, contractor or security company employee. Your aims and ambitions will determine what you choose to do when you become a professional.


Many individuals find the area of hacking attractive, particularly young ones. Although it is a challenging professional path, many options exist for those prepared to go far.

This hacking primer should have provided guidance and a place to begin. When they can’t find direction, promising people, more often than not, lose up on their passion.

You will ideally develop into a capable cybersecurity professional who applies his knowledge and experience for the greater good after following all the instructions in the books mentioned above and learning more about the topic.

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