How to Connect Samsung TV to Wi-Fi – Expert Guide in 2023



A smart TV requires an internet connection to function. Connecting to or changing the Wi-Fi network on a smart TV should be simple. Thankfully, Samsung’s smart TV doesn’t let you down. If you just purchased a new Samsung smart TV or want to change the Wi-Fi on your TV, you’ve come to the right place. Learn how to connect Samsung TV to WI-FI and how to change the Wi-Fi network or password.

With the help of the Remote, Connect the Samsung TV to Wi-Fi

Follow these instructions to configure Wi-Fi on your Samsung smart TV using the remote:

If you want to change the settings on your Samsung TV, step one is to press the Settings button on the remote.

Samsung Smart TV Remote Settings

Smart TV Setup for Samsungs

If you can’t access the Settings menu, try returning to the TV’s home screen and looking for the Settings button. To access configuration options, press the choose button on the remote.

Navigate to the General section of your Samsung Smart TV’s menu and then choose the Network option.

Samsung Smart TV Settings

Smart TV General Network 3.0 for Samsung. Select Network and Sharing Center / Open network settings.

Samsung Smart TV General Network

Using the menu button on your Samsung Smart TV, go to the Network menu and then choose Wireless. You may also use that option if you have a mobile hotspot, such as a Wi-Fi dongle. Select Wireless only if you are connected to a wireless hotspot.

Samsung Smart TV Open Network Settings

Samsung’s 5GHz Wireless Smart TV 

The Samsung smart TV will allow you to choose which wireless network to connect. Some Samsung TVs, like the ones mentioned above, only function with 2.4 GHz networks. There’s a chance the 5GHz Wi-Fi will only appear in your list of available networks.

Samsung Smart TV Wireless

You should use the controller to key in the Wi-Fi password. To move around the virtual keyboard, use the arrow keys. To choose a letter, use the “choose” button. Please turn on the Show password feature to inspect the Wi-Fi passphrase before using it. Just hit the “Done” key when you’re finished.

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A Samsung Smart TV with a Password Level 7 display. A confirmation screen will appear when the TV’s Wi-Fi has been successfully set up.

Samsung Smart TV Show Password

A helpful hint is how to disable the autoplay function on a Samsung television.

Change Network Settings on Your Samsung Smart TV

Here’s how to alter the Wi-Fi settings on your Samsung TV:

Access the wireless settings on your Samsung Smart TV by navigating to the General menu, then network, and Open network status.

The Wi-Fi network to which your Samsung TV is connected will be denoted by a tick.

Third, choose the alternative Wi-Fi network that you’d want to join.

Just put in your Wi-password Fi’s, and you’re good to go! Changing the Samsung Smart TV’s Wi-Fi network was a successful endeavour on your part.

Using this strategy, you can save many Wi-Fi networks on your TV (just as you can on a mobile device) and easily choose between them. The procedures mentioned above will ensure that your TV is equipped with information about your old and new wireless networks.

To permanently remove a wireless network from your TV, read on.

Samsung Smart TV: Changing the Wireless Network Password

The Samsung smart TV will only allow you to change the Wi-Fi password for an already linked network after first erasing the network. To get rid of the wireless network, do as instructed above.

After erasing the network, reconnect to it using the instructions in the Connect to Wi-Fi section and use the new password you created.

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Samsung Smart TV: Deleting a Wi-Fi Network

Forget a wireless network on your Samsung smart TV by following these steps:

Select “General”, then “Network”, then “Open network status”, then “Wireless” on your TV.

Click on the button labelled Manage previously-stored networks.

Samsung Smart TV Manage Saved Networks

Access Networks You’ve Saved on Your Samsung Smart TV 3. Then, next to the Wi-Fi network you want to delete, click the Delete option.

Samsung Smart TV Delete Wifi Network

How to Remove Wi-Fi from Samsung Smart TV

What to Do If You Lose Your Samsung TV’s Remote and Don’t Know How to Use It

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The Samsung SmartThings app may be used to manage your Samsung smart TV if you either lose or forget your TV’s remote. You may download this app on either iOS or Android. The one downside of this technique is that your TV will need to be linked to a Wi-Fi network beforehand. In such a situation, you may use the SmartThings app to make the following adjustments to your TV’s network settings and/or connect to a different network altogether:

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  • First, download the SmartThings app for your iOS or Android device and launch it.
  • Second, access the TV using the same Samsung account you used to set up the TV.
  • Third, before you can use the app for the first time, you’ll need to configure your TV. To add a new device, choose that option from the Device submenu’s (+) Add device button.
  • Select TV from the list of available items, and then choose Samsung TV from the following menu. To set up your TV, follow the on-screen prompts.
  • Turning your phone’s Wi-Fi on or off may solve the problem if the SmartThings app is unable to find your TV.
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  • After adding your Samsung TV to the SmartThings app, go to the app’s Devices menu and choose your TV from the list.
  • Tap on Remote. To access the TV’s main menu, choose the Home button.
  • Simply by tapping the 4D pad, you may access the touchpad. Swipe in the appropriate direction to go around the TV. Tap on the touchpad to pick an object on the screen.
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  • To access the wireless settings on the TV using the touchpad, follow the steps above and go to Settings > General > Network > Open network status > Wireless. Choose the network you wish to join and input its password.

How can I factory reset my Samsung Smart TV’s network settings?

You may reset the network settings by going to the TV’s menu and selecting General, Network, Reset Network. Verify the information shown on the screen. Any stored Wi-Fi networks will be deleted when you reset your TV’s network settings. You’ll need to re-establish your wireless connection.

How come my Samsung TV can’t connect to my home network?

It’s important to note that not all TVs can connect to a 5 GHz wireless network. That’s probably one of the causes for your Samsung TV not picking up the Wi-Fi signal. The distance between your TV and Wi-Fi router is also a factor. Maintain tight proximity between them. Is Samsung TV not connecting to Wi-Fi? Here’s what to do if the problem persists.

Are there any smart TVs that don’t support Wi-Fi?

All “smart” televisions do really have wireless internet connectivity. Smart TVs are available from several manufacturers, including Samsung, Sony, LG, Apple, etc. There are two main TV operating systems on the market: Android TV OS and Tizen OS, both of which are used by Samsung TVs.

It’s a Samsung television.

After getting your Samsung smart TV online, you can figure out how to install and manage applications. You should be familiar with connecting your mobile device to a Samsung smart TV.


Complete the procedures as mentioned above. Your Samsung Smart TV should be able to establish a wireless internet connection. Check the user manual or get in touch with Samsung Customer Service if you encounter any additional problems.

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